Avispa Graphics    

Port Chester, NY


Patdo Lighting is a company specializing in residential, commercial, landscape and exterior lighting design, sales and installations; nation wide.


My work with Patdo Lighting consisted of collaborating with a lighting designer in order to photograph finished installations around the Greenwich CT area in order to produce images for use in various promotional materials and archival company record.



High Dynamic Range or HDR photography is a photographic technique that utilizes information that would be lost in blown out highlights and underexposed shadows to provide a more accurate representation of how the human eye actually views light. By merging three separate exposures—one normal exposure, one over and one under—and merging them in post production. The result is an image that contains more visual information that would have normally been lost in the highlights and shadows. This method is particularly suitable for shooting light sources, as the color casts created by different types of lighting are represented more accurately to what our eyes are used to seeing in the natural world.

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      Copyright © 2011. Omar Chapa.